Were you affected by the recent storms? TTLC can help.

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Storm season in the Chicagoland area has become more aggressive each year, and many homeowners are left dealing with the aftermath.

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Pre Winter Inspection

Stay Cozy All Winter: Top 3 Reasons Why Pre-Winter Roof Inspections Are a Must in the Chicagoland Suburbs! Winter is just around the corner, and as you're getting ready for cozy sweaters and hot cocoa in the Chicagoland Suburbs, don't forget about your home's first line of defense – the roof!

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Owens Corning Roof Deployment Project Gives Back to U.S. Military Veterans William Long, a U.S.

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Home insurance is a valuable safety net that protects homeowners from unexpected disasters and financial burdens. However, before you rush to file a claim after an incident, it's crucial to take a step back and verify your insurance coverage.

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     Though it may be happening behind the scenes, ventilation is one of the most important aspects of the construction industry.

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Secure Your Home with Professional Roofing Services A secure and well-maintained roof is essential for the safety of your loved ones and the protection of your belongings. It shields you from the elements, provides insulation, and strengthens the structure of your home.

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Your roof is the unsung hero of your business. When it’s doing its job, you forget it’s even there. But when it’s damaged, you’re reminded of it every moment of the day. Water leaves unsightly spots on your ceiling.

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Imagine: an early May storm passes over your house. You get the lawn furniture inside just before the wind picks up. The next day, you notice your roof is missing a shingle and you decide to replace it yourself.

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From our experience, having a roof insurance claim denied is more common than you think. The good news is, just because your claim has been denied doesn’t mean that’s the end.

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Homeowner's insurance alleviates the financial stress that comes with roof damage. For some homeowners, submitting a roof insurance claim can actually produce stress. You count on your home insurance to cover you. That's what makes a roof insurance claim denied so confusing.

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